Railcar Jack

Railcar Jack

The intermodal Railcar Jack has been designed, engineered and manufactured by Greenfield Products to lift 40 Ton intermodal railcars. The compact and robust design allows users to deliver and operate the Railcar Jack even in the toughest of yard conditions. When railcar repairs need to be completed in a timely and efficient manner, there’s only one jack you can rely on.


  • Transport with a Fork Truck as small as 15,500 lbs capacity with a 48” Load center.
  • Jack railcars for field repairs.
  • Jack railcars for wheel changes.
  • Jack railcars for shop repairs.

Features & Benefits:

  • Articulating gate allows Jack to be delivered into areas with as little as 5 ¾” clearance.
  • Designed to lift both Double Stack Well railcars and Center Sill railcars.
  • Manufactured with High-Strength Steel.
  • With the included Power Pack the unit is self sufficient. This allows your equipment to be used more efficiently.
  • Integral Reinforced Fork Pockets – Safe Transportation and Delivery.
  • Lift Cycle Counter and Easy to Read Fluid Level Gauges.
  • Designed with Maintenance in Mind – Easy to Access Service Areas.